Commercial Growing

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A highly concentrated form of compost containing essential humic and fulvic acids to improve soil structure and release nutrients from within the soil.

Providing essential amino acids, proteins and millions of beneficial bacteria, it works to increase crop yield, water retention and fertility within the soil, reducing the need for chemical fertilisers and increasing resistance to pests and disease.

Typical analysis

  • Humic Acid 0.07%
  • Fulvic Acid 0.71%

Directions: Shake well before use. Use within 24hrs of mixing.

Plant/Application Type Rate per Litre Rate per Ha Application Frequency
Foilar & indoor plants 20mL 4-8L Every 2-3 weeks
Vegetables, herbs & gardens 20-25mL 4-8L Every 1-2 weeks
Citrus trees 25-30mL 4-8L Every 2-3 weeks
Transplanting & planting 25-30mL 4-8L At planing & 1 week
Lawns 25-30mL 4-8L Every 2-3 weeks
New Lawns 30-35mL 4-8L Every 6-10 days

Safety Directions

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Not to be ingested.
  • May irritate the skin and eyes.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • Wash all edible plants thoroughly before eating.


Store in a cool area out of direct sunlight. Do not pollute streams or waterways.