Home Gardening

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Balance your soil

A critical product containing the 3 essential elements for a healthy and plentiful crop. Nitrogen is an essential component of photosynthesis and a major component of amino acids that build proteins.

Phosphorous is necessary for growth by making nutrients available for cell production and renewal. Potassium regulates the uptake of CO2 during photosynthesis, activates enzymes and is essential for energy delivery and water regulation.

Typical analysis (%w/w)

  • Nitrogen 2.62
  • Phosphorus 0.272
  • Potassium 2.16
  • Sulphur 0.014
  • Calcium 0.002
  • Magnesium 0.002
  • Sodium 0.023

Directions: Shake well before use. Use within 24hrs of mixing.

Plant/Application Type Rate per 9L watering can Rate per litre Application Frequency
Vegetables, herbs & gardens 220mL 20-25mL Every 2-3 weeks
Citrus trees 240mL 25-30mL Vegetative stage
Vines/Olives 240mL 25-30mL Vegetative stage
Glasshouse 300mL 30-35mL Vegetative stage
Established Lawns 250mL 25-30mL Every 2-3 weeks
New Lawns 300mL 30-35mL Every 1-2 weeks

Safety Directions

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Not to be ingested.
  • May irritate the skin and eyes.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • Wash all edible plants thoroughly before eating.


Store in a cool area out of direct sunlight. Do not pollute streams or waterways.